David Smith has announced that he will retire in May 2021 at the conclusion of his fifth year as president of Southern Adventist University. Smith has a long relationship with the institution, where he began teaching English in 1981, serving 17 years as professor and then department chair. His wife, Cherie, and two daughters are graduates of Southern.
Plans for Penn State’s Spring 2021 semester, announced Oct. 4, include a later start in January; continuation of the current flexible instructional modes, including in-person; the elimination of spring break; and completion of instruction all undergraduate and graduate students by April 30.
On the night of September 21, 2020, DuBois Central Catholic seniors, their parents and administrators, gathered on the soccer field to recognize senior athletes and to give the senior class the opportunity to light lanterns and send them into the sky for good luck going into the new school year.
University leaders took time to answer questions from students and parents about Penn State’s response to the coronavirus, and its plans for the remainder of the fall during an online Town Hall event on Oct. 4 as a part of virtual Parents and Families Weekend.
Penn State DuBois Adjunct Lecturer of Engineering Stephen Feldbauer was recently invited to contribute to an article published by career building website Zippia, sharing his insight on current job market trends in engineering and manufacturing fields.
In what may be a first for Adventist publishing, Andrews University has released a small, journal-styled book containing only the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation with study notes, shared Andrea Luxton, president of Andrews University and chair of the Andrews University Press Board.